Saturday, September 11, 2010

I'm going to call this a WIN


Adam said...

Yeah, total win. Plus, the kid holding the kittens is the only one wearing camo, so you know he's really the toughest. The gun shoved down the back of his waistband doesn't have one of those pansy orange tips.

Michael B. Burton said...

Besides, do you know how hard it is to hold two cats at once like that? Most cats won't be having that shit. With their flexible backbones and sharp claws they could get away from that boy at any moment they wished. So I can only assume that he is some sort of Beast Master and while those two dorks are making "ratta tat tat" noises with their toy guns, Benito Meowsalini over there is sending his feline army of strays into battle where they will feast on your entrails like a can of Friskies.

Adam said...

Yeah, he's a regular Chairman Meow! You know, a bit like Ho Chi Manx! In the style of Meowmmar al-Clawdaffi! Or maybe good old Fidel Catstro! But I liken him to Agusto Purrrnochet.
There. Five. Beat that.

Michael B. Burton said...

I would say his military brilliance reminds me of a young Napawleon.
But he does use one of those closed litter boxes, and his obsession with secrecy is reminiscent of Kitten Jun-Il.
From what I understand he is a radical Meowslim cleric and could be the next Aya-tail-ah Catomeini.
He has been in power for so long the only fascist regime to last longer was Felinisco Franco.
Though in the movie version of his life I hear they are casting Forrest Whiskerers to play the character of Kitty Amin.

There ya go. Five more, with a couple bones puns thrown in for the fuck of it. Suck it, Scoop!