Sunday, March 13, 2011

Time to play: Is… It... Sarcastic?

This is either an inspired piece of parody… Or a sign of the coming apocalypse. Either somebody made this video as an astute commentary on how our society elevates the most vacuous people possible into celebrity… Or somebody made this video because they realized they could make money by exploiting our society who never fails to elevate the most vacuous people into celebrity. Both answers are cynical, but I see no other possibilities on how this video came into being.


James said...

This is 420x better than "I Whip My Hair Back and Forth".

Michael B. Burton said...

Haha. I was stoned when I came across this and it really did send me down of those "What does this mean?" spirals until I called in my wife to ask her if she thought it was a legitimist attempt at pop stardom. But her response was, “You really expect me to watch this, stoney?” And it’s true, I don’t think there is a way an adult could sit through this without the aid of mota.